By Melissa Fales

Special Town Meeting set for Tuesday, Nov. 29

At the recommendation of acting Town Manager Tracy Meehan, the Special Town Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 29 at 7 p.m. in the Ware Junior Senior High School auditorium. The board opened up the warrant for the STM at their Oct. 18 meeting and will be accepting articles from the public until the warrant is closed at noon on Monday, Oct. 31. Talbot reminded citizens that petition articles need to have 100 signatures in order to be included on the warrant.
The selectmen will hold a joint meeting with the Town Moderator, Finance Committee and the department heads on Nov. 15 to review the warrant and prepare their recommendations.

Public hearing on CDBG fy2012 application set for Nov. 22

Director of Planning and Community Development Karen Cullen asked the board to set a public hearing regarding the town’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) fy2012 application. The hearing will be held Tuesday, Nov. 22 at 7:10 p.m. Cullen said the changes in the way the CDBG will be awarded will affect the way the town structures its applications. Given those changes, Cullen said the top priorities for the fy2012 application will be continuing the housing rehabilitation program and continuing to support the social services that have received funding in the past.

Holiday Flair in Ware to be held Friday, Nov. 25

Members of the Holiday Flair in Ware Committee appeared before the Board of Selectmen to discuss their plans for the event which will be held Friday, Nov. 25.
Committee member Peter Harder asked the board to approve the use of the town’s bucket truck to put up the decorations on Main Street on Saturday, Nov. 19 and Sunday, Nov. 20. Harder said he had already received the o.k. from DPW Director Thom Martens to use the truck. Harder also asked for permission to hold a toll road to raise money to pay for the decorations from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on both of those days. The selectmen unanimously approved the requests.
Harder also asked the board to approve shutting down Main Street during the Holiday Flair in Ware event as in previous years. Harder said he hadn’t had the chance to speak to Police Chief Dennis M. Healey about it but that he would. The board unanimously approved the request, pending Healey’s o.k., as well as the use of the Great Hall at Town Hall for the event.
Board of Selectmen Chair Nancy J. Talbot thanked the committee for all their hard work to make the town look nice for the holidays. “I know it takes a lot of effort to bring this together,” she said. “It is very much appreciated.” Harder said the committee was grateful for the help the townspeople have given them over the years.

Town will apply for FEMA grant funding for Hazard Mitigation Plan update

Cullen asked the board to approve Ware’s participation in a grant application for funding to cover the costs of updating the town’s Hazard Mitigation Plan. She explained that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is offering grants for towns to update their plans. The Pioneer Valley Planning Commission is working on a grant application for funds for the towns of Ware, Agawam, Easthampton and Hampden to update their plans. Cullen said the town’s plan was approved in 2009 and is set to expire in 2014. “It is early, but this is an opportunity where we can extend our plan with a very small expenditure of town resources,” Cullen said. If the town receives the grant, it will be required to match $800, but Cullen said that can match can be done through in-kind services. The Board unanimously approved the town’s participation in the grant.

Vacancy on Council on Aging

The board accepted the resignation of Judy Aversa from the Council on Aging with regret. Aversa’s resignation leaves a vacancy on the council. There is also a need for someone to serve as an alternate member. Anyone interested in serving in these roles should send a letter of interest to the Board of Selectmen at Town Hall. The deadline for letters of interest is noon on December 4.

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