Monthly Archives: August 2009

Obamacare is socialized medicine

To the Editor:

I am heartened by the recent public outcry at town hall meetings across the country by people opposed to the government’s plan to take over the health care industry. We currently have a $1.8 trillion budget deficit, yet our leaders in Washington wish us to concede to their desire to spend another $1.5 trillion and construct a socialized medicine plan.
Our new president and his supporters have demonized doctors, the pharmaceutical industry, and insurance companies. It is not surprising that now the White House has a website that encourages its followers to inform on opponents to the proposed Big Brother health care plan even if they hear people talking against it through casual conversation.
The United States has the best health care in the world. Most Americans don’t want to pay for abortions. They want to choose their own doctor, keep their own private health insurance, and not see rationing.
Obamacare would cause a huge reduction in the quality and affordability of health care. It would increase the federal role in telling doctors and hospitals what constitutes appropriated medical practice. The government would seek direct control of our personal finances and decide whether old people should live or die. A great deal of our freedom and liberty would be surrendered to a much more powerful government that would yield greater authority over our personal decisions.
I again applaud those who have refused to accept the lies of our ruling class and their bold attempt to expand raw political power.

Jim Stafford