Board makes post-Boudreau plans

By Melissa Fales
Turley Publications Reporter

WARE – While amidst preparations for the Annual Town Meeting Monday, May 11, selectmen are now faced with finding a replacement for Town Manager Steven C. Boudreau.
The board voted 4 to 1 not to renew Boudreau’s contract at their March 17 meeting. Selectman Richard Norton cast the lone dissenting vote against the motion made by Matta and seconded by Vice Chairwoman Melissa D. Weise.
Regarding the board’s decision not to extend Boudreau’s contract, Matta said afterward, “We have to do what we feel is in the best interest of the town.” Following the board’s vote, Boudreau said “I am disappointed that I did not get renewed.”
Among the items listed on the agenda for the board’s March 24 meeting were “discussion/vote relative to hiring process” and “discussion/vote relative to interim town manager.” Boudreau commented on these items and told the board there was no rush to fill his position. “I am obligated personally, professionally, ethically and contractually to be the town manager until June 30,” he said, adding that he planned to stay on for the rest of his contracted term, “unless I win the lottery or get a better deal somewhere else.”
He said if he did receive another job offer, he would give the town a full 30-days notice. Matta said the discussion about finding a suitable interim town manager is necessary because the position is unlikely to be filled before Boudreau’s exit on June 30.
During an earlier interview, Boudreau said there was still a lot of work to be done on the budget and that he planned to make good use of the time he had left in Ware. “I can’t just sit and watch the clock run out,” he said.
The agenda for the March 24 meeting also listed “discussion/vote relative to appointment of John Desmond, replacing Town Manager Steven Boudreau, as liaison for contract negotiations.” Boudreau questioned whether that was appropriate, pointing out that the charter specifically names contract negotiations as one of the town manager’s responsibilities.
Boudreau became Ware’s first town manager under the charter, which was adopted by voters in April 2007. He was originally hired as the town’s administrator in November 2006.
The board went into executive session to discuss its strategy as to the hiring process for Boudreau’s replacement. Matta had previously stated that in his opinion, the board of selectmen could find a suitable replacement for Boudreau on their own without forming a search committee. Selectwoman Catherine R. Buelow-Cascio said she disagreed with Matta on that point. During the “Meet the Candidates” forum held by Ware Community Television on March 23, Buelow-Cascio said she thought the search process would be an intense, time consuming project and that the selectmen had a lot of work on their collective plate already.
The board also discussed how to best present the budget to the voters at the upcoming Annual Town Meeting in order to be consistent, clear, and helpful. They will hold a special meeting on Wednesday, April 8 at 7 p.m. with the Finance Committee, town manager, town accountant, municipal finance director and town moderator, in order to get input on how the budget should be designed.

One response to “Board makes post-Boudreau plans

  1. In my and my wifes opinionthe Board of Selectman should renew Town Manager Boudreau’s contract. Mr. Boudreau has served this tgown well. If anyone including Fim Kane feels that the town manager has not lived up to their expectations perhaps they should concider the following:

    1. The BOS has made it as difficult for Mr. Boudreau to do his job as they could. Rather than cooperate with him and offeringf constructive suggestions as to how he might do a better job they have insulted, abused and bullied him. They have forgotten to treat him with the same courtesy and respect that they would want to be treated. Further they used him as their whipping boy to cover up their incompetence.

    2. Some of the town emplolyees also made it difficult for the town manager to do his job. They did not like being disciplined by him. They resented being held accountable to him. When on the rare occassions they offered him suggestions as to how he might do a better job and he did not impliment these suggestions they felt insulted.

    People are by nature territorial and resist change. Should the BOS not renew a good town manager such as Mr Boudreau’s contract and replace him with a new town managerlittle will be accomplished until the mind set on the pare of the BOS and the employees changes. As long as the environment remains hostile the new town manager will not be able to do his job properly and we will accomplish nothing. The required change will require time and will only come about when people are compelled to embrace the change. Therefore I would strongly suggest that the town manager be it Mr. Boudreau or someone else be signed to a 10 year contract. This will impress on everyone that the town manager is here to stay as are the changes he is mandated to make my Charter. Secondly and most importantly the town manager is to be treated with the same courtesy and respect everyone wants for themselves.

    No individual can be expected to perform his job properly when placed in the hostile environment that Mr. Boudreau ahs been placed in.

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